Rounded sheet tanks

Ideal for the storage of all highly diluted or weakly corrosive products

Double jacketed tanks

Economical and versatile storage


In addition to the extrusion-rolling process, EELIX offers a range of HDPE and PP tanks made from bent sheets. We attach great importance to the choice of the manufacturing technology that will be the most adapted and safest for our customers according to their needs.

Tanks made of curved plates are particularly suitable for simplified uses, limited volumes and in the case of less dangerous, less concentrated, diluted or slightly corrosive products.

The choice of the tank depends on the type of application, the liquid to be stored, the necessary volume and the customer’s requirements.

These tanks are produced by mechanical process: preparation of the shell by hot assembly of plates, then mechanical bending of these plates and hot polyfusion on automatic bench.

curved plate tanks

At EELIX we are the only manufacturer of HDPE and PP tanks to have both manufacturing technologies :

  • Extrusion enroulement massif

  • welded/polyfusedbent plate


Advantages of welded/polyfused bent plate tanks

  • Versatility and chemical inertness of HDPE and PP materials.
  • Adaptation to all diameters to meet the requirements of the available floor space
  • Allows small volume storage of most corrosive liquids including high density liquids
  • Simpler and more economical process.
  • Adapté pour la fabrication de cuves de rétention en double enveloppe, de tours de lavage de gaz ou de pièces spéciales de toutes sortes
  • Optimisation du gabarit et donc du coût pour le transport routier
  • Compliance with the regulations in force
bent plate tanks with ladders

Vats in curved plates

Technical performance and chemical accounting

  • Chemical resistance : l’inertie chimique du PEHD (polyéthylène haute densité) et du PP (polypropylène) garantit une inertie chimique fiable pour les produits chimiques corrosifs et dangereux, bases ou acides. L’inertie chimique de nos matériaux offre une grande polyvalence dans l’utilisation de nos cuves.

  • Our specially selected materials are résistants aux UV et aux conditions climatiques les plus extrêmes (-45°C to +90°C). Our tanks can therefore be installed indoors or outdoors. For calculation needs according to the Snow and Wind standards, a request must be made.

  • Mechanical resistance: The technique of welded/polyfused assembled plates limits the possibilities of tank thickness. We recommend reserving this technique for tanks not exceeding 20,000 liters for the simplest cases (see 10 000 liters to 15 000 liters depending on the case).

  • Our tanks are calculated according to the EN 12573 standard>..

  • Cuve avec rétention intégrée (dites aussi double enveloppe, double paroi ou double peau)

  • Increased safety thanks to the double envelope: by its presence, the external retention tank (or double envelope) guarantees storage compliance in cases where there is no other system for recovering possible spill risks.

  • Adaptability of the tanks: each tank can have a different function (long term or short term storage, mixing, dilution of powders, special manufacturing, neutralization of liquids, etc.). Thanks to specific equipment such as: access on domes and walkways, gas scrubbers, heaters, mixers, cooling units, unloading boxes, pumping boxes… EELIX tanks and retaining tanks are available to create a complete storage environment.

  • Traçabilité garantie des matériaux utilisés.

  • Thermal insulation important.

  • Recyclability of the material: EELIX tanks are 100% recyclable, even after 30 or 40 years of use. Our materials fit perfectly into a circular economy mode.

Types of tanks in curved plates


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